How to Determine the Best Place to Put Your Hummingbird Feeder

Hummingbirds are fascinating creatures known for their iridescent colors and remarkable flying abilities. One way to attract these beautiful birds to your yard is by setting up a hummingbird feeder.

However, placing the feeder in the right location is key to ensure that the hummingbirds will find it easily and be able to enjoy a meal in peace. Here are some tips to help you determine the best place to put your hummingbird feeder:

1. Choose a spot that is easily visible

Hummingbirds have keen eyesight and are attracted to brightly colored objects, so it’s important to place your feeder in a location where they can easily spot it.

Avoid placing the feeder in a shaded or hidden area as this may make it difficult for the birds to find.

2. Keep it away from predators

Hummingbirds are small and vulnerable creatures that may fall prey to larger birds, cats, or squirrels.

To keep them safe while feeding, make sure to place your feeder in a location that is out of reach of potential predators. Hang the feeder high off the ground or near a window where predators are less likely to approach.

3. Provide some shelter

While hummingbirds enjoy feeding in open spaces where they can easily spot danger approaching, they also appreciate a bit of shelter to rest in between feedings.

Consider placing your feeder near a tree or shrub where the birds can perch and take a break after a meal.

4. Keep it away from high-traffic areas

Hummingbirds are easily startled by human activity and loud noises, so it’s best to avoid placing your feeder in a high-traffic area where there is a lot of foot traffic or noise.

Choose a quiet spot in your yard where the birds can feed undisturbed.

5. Maintain a clean environment

Hummingbirds are attracted to clean, fresh nectar, so it’s important to regularly clean and refill your feeder to ensure that the birds will keep coming back for more.

Placing the feeder in a location that is easily accessible for cleaning will make this task easier and more convenient for you.


In conclusion, choosing the best place to put your hummingbird feeder requires careful consideration of factors such as visibility, safety, shelter, and cleanliness.

By following these tips, you can create an inviting environment for hummingbirds to visit your yard and enjoy a meal in peace. Happy bird watching!